The Fuente Álamo Technology Park welcomes companies from different fields that share a common strategic commitment to innovation and the technological development of their sectors. This innovative structure, together the company’s conviction of its advantages, means that all sectors are nurtured by the relationships created in the park.
If you’re thinking of locating your company in the Fuente Álamo Technology Park (Parque Tecnológico de Fuente Álamo – PTFA), it’s important to bear in mind that the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, via the Institute of Development (Instituto de Fomento – INFO), as well as the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness make several financial support programmes from the European Social Fund available to you.

A place for smart companies
In a strategic enclave in terms of business logistics and the recruitment of talent, the Fuente Álamo Technology Park is aimed at technology-based companies whose specialisation can be developed in any sector.
Carretera El Estrecho-Lobosillo, km 2.5
30320 Fuente Alamo (Murcia)
Telephone: 968 19 76 20