Bionet is a company devoted to designing and implementing engineering solutions, with a wide range of products and services that include feasibility studies, integral project management, turnkey construction, operation and maintenance.
Its activity is carried out in the following specialised sectors: water, energy, process industry, security, telecommunications and control.

Parque Tecnológico de Fuente Álamo
Crta. El Estrecho-Lobosillo km.2,5
Fuente Álamo 30320 Murcia
If you’re thinking of locating your company in the Fuente Álamo Technology Park (Parque Tecnológico de Fuente Álamo – PTFA), it’s important to bear in mind that the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, via the Institute of Development (Instituto de Fomento – INFO), as well as the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness make several financial support programmes from the European Social Fund available to you.