“The main activity of Bel Composite Ibérica consists of importing, exporting, manufacturing, designing and marketing of resin elements reinforced with fibreglass or other types of reinforcing fibres.
The company is the subsidiary in Spain of Bel Group Limited, one of the world’s largest producers and marketers of elements for water desalination plants, accounting for 30% of the American market, 25% of the European market and 24% of the Asian market.”

Parque Tecnológico de Fuente Álamo
Crta. El Estrecho-Lobosillo km.2,5
30320 Fuente Álamo-Murcia
If you’re thinking of locating your company in the Fuente Álamo Technology Park (Parque Tecnológico de Fuente Álamo – PTFA), it’s important to bear in mind that the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, via the Institute of Development (Instituto de Fomento – INFO), as well as the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness make several financial support programmes from the European Social Fund available to you.